Monday, 8 April 2013

Amberen Review - Evaluating Amberen for Menopause

Amberen is a non prescription all natural medication that can be used for the treatment of menopause symptoms. Browsing most Amberen review sites reveals a singular theme with this treatment. Amberen has been proven to be very successful for women in all stages of menopause. To provide a thorough Amberen review, it's important to note that this treatment may be used for pre-menopause, menopause, and peri-menopause symptoms. While it's impossible to provide an Amberen review that will echo every user's results exactly, it is fair to say that Amberen is successful for the majority of users and treats some if not all of their distinct menopause symptoms.

No Amberen review would be complete without a look at exactly how this product works. Amberen is an all natural product that uses a combination of salts to balance the body's hormones. One of the biggest selling points of a good Amberen review is the fact that this product is not itself a hormone. It simply helps the body to regulate its own naturally occurring hormones and improve the health of cells. Amberen review testimonies from satisfied customers reveal that this product has been an effective treatment for many symptoms including weight gain, hot flashes, mood swings, and even a declining sex drive.

Clinical trials are another important factor in any balanced Amberen review. Amberen review studies performed by clinical professionals have indicated that this medication is both safe and effective. There are very few side effects associated with Amberen and those that do occur are typically mild. Side effects worth noting as part of a thorough Amberen review include headaches, itching, and a mild rash. Patients who are highly sensitive to MSG may not tolerate this medication as it does include small amounts of this ingredient. Most users are not bothered by the small dosage of MSG found in this product, however.

Users who want to conduct an Amberen review of their own are given an excellent chance to do just that. A free trial is available for a 30-day supply of Amberen. With this offer, users can try the product and create an Amberen review of their own. Like all medications, Amberen works differently for different people. Most Amberen review information indicates that patients experienced results within three to four weeks. If you're not satisfied with the first 30 days of a 90-day package, you can return the unopened months of the package and receive a full refund for the entire treatment.

1 comment:

  1. Hey,
    Before I started out Amberen I tried a different product or service, wolfed down flax seed, soy milk and tofu, which assisted a bit, but definitely not sufficient. I had nearly 18 lbs. the very first 6 months before I purchased Amberen. It took around a couple of weeks for Amberen to completely start working. I did not increase it. I get to sleep via the night–eight hrs. I am going back to being my normal cold self. Absolutely no fat gain without any intense appetite either. Amberen has permitted my lifestyle to bring back to regular.
